What factors when design aluminum windows?

Views : 148
Author : Vbest - Wade
Update time : 2022-09-26 16:46:35
What factors need to be considered when designing aluminum alloy doors and windows?

1. The facade division of aluminum alloy doors and windows should conform to the aesthetic characteristics, and the following factors should be considered in the design of the division.


Grid scale coordination. For a single glass plate, the aspect ratio should be as close to the golden ratio as possible, and squares and narrow rectangles with an aspect ratio greater than 1:2 should not be designed. or too small


The division of door and window facades must not only have certain rules, but also reflect changes, and there must be rules in the changes; the density of grid lines; equidistant, equal-size segmentation shows rigor, solemnity, and seriousness; non-equidistant free segmentation performance, lively and dynamic


At least in the same room, the horizontal lines of doors and windows on the same wall should be on the same horizontal line as much as possible, and the vertical lines should be aligned as much as possible


When designing the facade of aluminum alloy doors and windows, the overall effect requirements of the building should be considered, such as contrast, light and shadow effects, symmetry, etc.